Sunday, February 26, 2012

There have been two songs that have been floating around in my head lately.

Both are by the oh so talented Aaron Ivey. One is called Found.

It can be found by clicking here. You're going to want to hear this.

But if you don't believe me here are the words:

Jesus, healer of brokenness
Savior, the fixer of troubled souls
Redeemer, you’re turning my eyes to thee
Mighty God, you’re just and merciful
Oh God of beauty and grace
You are my resting place
All of my life is found in You
You’ve taken my brokenness
Made me whole once again
All of my life is found in You
I’m found in You
All my security, my destiny
What lies ahead is found in you
All my hopes and dreams, my thoughts unseen
All my wants are found in you
What I dread and fear, all that weighs me down
All my trust is found in You
You’re my sustaining breath, all that gives me strength
All life-giving is found in You
Are those not good? Are they not true? Mmhmmm. I love it. 

The second song is Amos Story. He wrote it when waiting to adopt from Hati. Please go listen. Now.

How do you not miss this face?
Also, this past week has been especially hard for me. I just miss Africa more than I normally do. I spent a good  deal of time one morning crying and praying. I know this doesn't make sense to most. But it tears my heart out. It rips me into pieces. You will never know how much I miss those beautiful little souls on the other side of the world. I have been praying and thinking about when and if I can go back to Nigeria. The thought makes heart jump inside my chest!

How cute are they?
 My motivation to do school work has gone done drastically within the past week or so. (Sorry Mom and Dad if you're reading this.) Senioritis hit a year early. I. have. one. year. left. WEIRD. I don't think I'm ready to go be a real adult yet. I just don't know how to feel about leaving college.  I guess it's good I have a year left right?

Alright well I need to shower, so I can get to bed. Goodnight dear few faithful readers.