Saturday, June 15, 2013

One Way Ticket... To Japan?

Yes, you read that right. I am in this moment looking up ticket information for a one way ticket to Nagoya Japan.

I bet you're wondering why I, Brie Meegan, lover all things Africa is looking for flights to an island so far away. Well it's because I got a job.

Let me start in the beginning. I graduated in May from the University of North Texas (cacaaaw!). Since then, actually a bit before that, I began applying for jobs. In fact, that's how I spent just about all of my free time. I filled out application after application, I sent emails to go with a majority of the applications. And then I waited. I waited for the interview then job offer I kept hearing I would get. When that didn't come I sent out more applications and emails.

Soon I had applied for 120 jobs. Yes, I counted. And I had one, just one, interview in a very small town that I just could not see myself living in. I couldn't tell if job hunting was really this hard or if I was just that bad at it.

About a month ago I was sitting in home group when someone asked me how the job search was going. I replied with one word: stupid. They asked if I would consider teaching overseas. Well if you have had any type of conversation with me you probably know that I want nothing more than to teach overseas. But I have loans, and all the organizations I had looked into required that you had no debt. She began to tell me about NICS, Network of International Christian Schools. She knew people who had gone and paid their loans. I applied the next day all the while preparing myself for more rejection or just being ignored, after all I had learned that's what a job search is mostly.

I filled out the personality form, the first step. A few days later I got an email saying I could fill out the interview form. Honestly at this point I was just glad SOMEONE was validating my existence. So I filled out the interview form, still thinking at some point surely they will say no just like everyone else. I won't have enough of something they were looking for... In fact I hardly told  anyone I had applied overseas because I just assumed nothing would come of it.

Two weeks later my phone rang. It was someone with NICS wanting to talk with me. She seemed so calm, too calm. You know those overly calm tone that people use when giving bad news and their tone will somehow soften the blow. I walked upstairs waiting for the "I'm sorry but..." Instead I heard "I'm reviewing your interview form right now. It looks like you're a great fit for us!" My first thought was not something about getting a job, it was more along the lines of "SOMEONE THINKS I'M A GOOD FIT. THANK YOU JESUS FOR ENCOURAGEMENT."

The phone call continued and she asked what I thought about the possibility of Japan. Would I be interested? I instantly said "Yes." Now trying to use one of those super calm voices to hide the pure joy running through me.

Reference forms were sent then returned. Roughly two weeks later, Thursday morning, I received another phone call. It was the coordinator for the school in Japan. Again, I prepared myself for the "I'm sorry but..." Instead this time I was met with a job offer. A third or fifth grade teaching job in the city of Nagoya at the International Christian Academy of Nagoya. I had until Monday to decide so that the visa process could start for me, or for someone else. I ran into Sarah's room screaming, and I do mean screaming. I then called some family and friends. I met with my home group leader for lunch to discuss things. I cried randomly throughout the day. I laughed a lot. I prayed. I called the coordinator back with questions. I called my parents with answers.

Fun fact about several of these phone calls: During the first call with the job offer and the first calls to my parents I received emails from school districts telling me the position I had applied for had been filled. While talking with the coordinator I received two, and one during each call to my parents.

All this to say this, on Friday morning at about 10 am I called the coordinator back to accept the third grade position in Japan. It is a two year commitment.  I have to be there early August. So, in a month and a half I will be moving across the world for two years. I should be back next summer for a bit, the school schedule is the same as American schools so I'll have the same summer break!

I have to raise my initial plane ticket, roughly $1,000. I know that my God provides. He always does, and always will. My laptop is in the process of dying, the screen randomly goes too dark to see anything and in fact is in the process of breaking away form the bottom half. I'm just not sure it will survive a around the world trip, and if it does I know it will not last two more years. So if and when I have more than enough money to buy a plane ticket I will be buying a new laptop. Yes, I could buy one there...But I am not technologically savvy and I would prefer my dear sweet father help me set it up.

I would love and appreciate your prayers for me and my family during this time. I had a very small taste how hard this move will be by making phone calls yesterday. My family knew I was going to move across the world at some point, but they didn't think that would come so quickly. So pray that this time will be well spent and as peaceful as can be.

I love you guys! If you want to spend time with me (I would love to spend time with you!) let me know and we will plan it! But please let's not always get lunch, dinner, coffee or other things that will cost me. Remember, I need to save money because I'm moving to Japan soon. :]