Thursday, February 17, 2011

I get by with A LOT of help from my friends.

Life this week has been crazy to say the least.

 It all started last Friday with DNow. 7th grade girls= no sleep. But it was sooooo amazing! God really showed up. A weekend full of worshiping the Almighty and learning and talking about Him? Does it get any better? Only if you had awesome old friends to share it all with. It is always such a blessing to see people come to know God. WOAH. I still get chills thinking about it. And I love my crazy 7th grade girls so much! We all left with nicknames:]

Then Sunday afternoon I had been home for just a few hours and got a super discouraging email about Africa. It didn't really hit me until sitting down at the mission trip meeting for spring break. [We are going to New Orleans!:] Then I broke down while standing in a room talking to my dear friend Jesse. The meeting was still going on, so I walked back in to get stopped by one of the most amazing girls ever, Shelby. Oh how I love her! So she sat in the back with me while I tried to get a grip on myself. After the meeting God really just showed His love to me through my friends. They loved on me, encouraged me, prayed with me. And for those who went there I text asking for their prayers. If you think you can't feel love over text you have never had my friends text you. I really don't know what I would do without such wonderful Jesus loving people in my life.

Monday, yes only Monday. My brother once again informed me of my coming death in Nigeria. It's kind of a common theme with my family. While that was just added discouragement. Called Tia, talked to her about Jesus and Africa, we do that quite often.

Skip ahead to Wednesday. I realized that when I am exhausted, worried, stressed, discouraged, over thinking, surrounded by homework and anything else you can think of I am truly wonderful because God is in control.

Now to today. I got an email from Joey, the missionary who is in Nigeria [aka where I am going] about how things are going over there. He told me everything is far from where they are. PRAISE GOD. Please pray they remain there. That one short email is one of my favorite emails, right after the one about me getting to go.

I will end on Romans 8:18 which says:
 "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us."

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