Friday, April 15, 2011

As I sit in a far to quiet BSM I can't help but think of a few things.

1. When we are little our dads throw us into the air. Never do I remember doubting he will catch me. In fact I remember one day I was on the roof, for some reason, and to get down I had to jump off the roof and into my dad's arms. I didn't hesitate. I waited for him to get ready and then jumped. And of course he caught me. I want that faith again.  I want a filial faith. That means "a faith befitting a son or daughter." I want the faith that three year old has in their father when they think their dad is the strongest, greatest, best, bravest, and any other good adjective. Well my heavenly father is the strongest, greatest, best, more powerful, most loving, most just, most almighty, and most perfect.  Why do we lose our filial faith when we grow up? It's such a sad thing. And I'm working to get mine back.

2. I have a lot to do and not much time to do it. I have papers, projects, paperwork for Nigeria, shots to get, finish raising about $900, and then finals. All within the next two weeks, finals in four. I am trying not to get overwhelmed, because my Father is the strongest, greatest, most loving, perfect, providing I think you get the picture... But please pray for me as I try to get things done.

3. I am unbelievably blessed by my friends and family. Seriously. Just when I think, "surely they can't do anything else to bless me." I get a phone call. And then I'm blown away [quite literally today, it's really windy].

Now it's back to my homework!

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